Monday, December 17, 2012

Tahoe for my 30th!

I had a dream weekend in Tahoe...eating crab, hiking, swimming in arctic waters, defrosting in hot tubs, kayaking the transparent waters and surrounded by beloved friends!  It is so wonderful being able to be in Tahoe in just over an hour!  Here is a snapshot from the weekend:


Friday, November 30, 2012

Fall Leaves in Davis


Fall in Davis is gorgeous!  The leaves are changing with the rains and the trees are sucking up all this delectable water to feed their roots!  Aside from the ground loving the mulch layer of leaves, the puppies have found them to be the most delightful treat for both ingesting and sleeping on.  Tiago has also found pleasure in rolling the puppies around in the leaves and licking their sweet juices off the puppies furry little bodies.  By the way, if you have never raised a litter of puppies, I suggest you add it to your To Do list as its an incredible experience. My Fava beans are sprouting all around providing fabulous nitrogen to the surrounding soils.  The fields are turning green with the rains, which has been incredible to see. Amazing how fast pioneer plants will surface with the sweet rains! 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

First Permaculture Design Course Weekend

This past weekend, I had my first Permaculture Design Course that will occur one weekend every month until September 2013.  Much like my intro to Permaculture class, I was inspired, impassioned, and wow did the light bulbs go off.  Not only are the other participants incredible, but the teachers are out of this world amazing and motivational.  Here are a few photos from the Regenerative Design Institute, where I am taking this course:

The  Aquaculture Pond

Comfrey growing around the pond next to the Cob Bench

Grey-water System outside of kitchen sink

Outdoor Bathroom with German Chamomile as the ground floor

Food Forest!

Solar Food Dehydrator!

Bench hugging the garden

Herb/Garden Spiral

Medicinal Herbs outside the greenhouse

Solar water heater

Cob building with Eucalyptus Tree posts

Monday, October 22, 2012

Dogs, dogs and dogs

One of the many things I love about living in the Country is letting the dogs be dogs.  From the moment Nalu and Tiago awake, they are off chasing wild rabbits, squirrels, and anything else that runs.  This last weekend Xan's dog, Lilah (Tiago's mom) gave birth to 6 beautiful puppies!!! It was magical. Opai and I were in the room when her first little girl  came out.  She was just about 1LB and had the silkiest black little coat.  We sat and continued to observe the birth of the following 5 puppies that all came out within an hour, which I am told is quite fast. Over the last couple days I have been popping over to the welping box for what I am calling "the puppy vortex."  I could sit observing Lilah and her pups for hours on end. It is amazing the way Lilah loves her kin, as she licks their pee, poop and is always making sure they stay warm.
As you can see from the photo, Tiago has discovered how fun swimming pools with floats can be.     He loves to "rescue" me as there is no way Mr. Tiago is going to let me rest and relax floating in the pool.
Then there are the other 7 dogs in the barn...Fire Truck, Layla, Minnow, Julep, Whisper, Jasper and Mayday.  They are the most fantastic pack of dogs.  Nalu and Tiago love running to the barn, riling up the pack and heading off to the slew for a splash and some water romping.  Needless to say, I too love just watching these dogs run and be dogs.  All in all, life on a farm with dogs is superb!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Friendly Country Neighbors

Not only are the neighborhood cats fantastic, like this fine fellow, but so are the people.  Of course Xan, our dear friend, lives just to the south of us. Last night we met Shelly and Dave who live at the end of our lane. They have been in their house for over 25 years and were able to tell us all about our house's history = fascinating!  It was a lovely evening, as we sat out on their patio drinking Wine, eating delicious cheeses, fresh garden tomatos and chatting about this incredible neighborhood!  I feel at home!

Friday, October 19, 2012